Exceptions and conditions

Scheme allows programs to deal with exceptional situations using two cooperating facilities: The exception system for raising and handling exceptional situations, and the condition system for describing these situations.

The exception system allows the program, when it detects an exceptional situation, to pass control to an exception handler, and to dynamically establish such exception handlers. Exception handlers are always invoked with an object describing the exceptional situation. Scheme’s condition system provides a standardized taxonomy of such descriptive objects, as well as a facility for extending the taxonomy.

7.1  Exceptions

This section describes Scheme’s exception-handling and exception-raising constructs provided by the (rnrs exceptions (6))library.

Note:   This specification follows SRFI 34 [7].

Exception handlers are one-argument procedures that determine the action the program takes when an exceptional situation is signalled. The system implicitly maintains a current exception handler.

The program raises an exception by invoking the current exception handler, passing it an object encapsulating information about the exception. Any procedure accepting one argument may serve as an exception handler and any object may be used to represent an exception.

The system maintains the current exception handler as part of the dynamic environment of the program; see report section on “Dynamic environment”.

When a program begins its execution, the current exception handler is expected to handle all &serious conditions by interrupting execution, reporting that an exception has been raised, and displaying information about the condition object that was provided. The handler may then exit, or may provide a choice of other options. Moreover, the exception handler is expected to return when passed any other non-&serious condition. Interpretation of these expectations necessarily depends upon the nature of the system in which programs are executed, but the intent is that users perceive the raising of an exception as a controlled escape from the situation that raised the exception, not as a crash.

(with-exception-handler handler thunk)    procedure 

Handler must be a procedure and should accept one argument. Thunk must be a procedure and should accept zero arguments. The with-exception-handler procedure returns the results of invoking thunk. Handler is installed as the current exception handler for the dynamic extent (as determined by dynamic-wind) of the invocation of thunk.

Implementation responsibilities: The implementation must check the restrictions on handler to the extent performed by applying it as described when it is called as a result of a call to raise or raise-continuable.

(guard (<variable> <clause1> <clause2> ...) <body>)    syntax 

Syntax: Each <clause> must have the same form as a cond clause. (See report section on “Derived conditionals”.)

Semantics: Evaluating a guard form evaluates <body> with an exception handler that binds the raised object to <variable> and within the scope of that binding evaluates the clauses as if they were the clauses of a cond expression. That implicit cond expression is evaluated with the continuation and dynamic environment of the guard expression. If every <clause>’s <test> evaluates to false and there is no else clause, then raise is re-invoked on the raised object within the dynamic environment of the original call to raise except that the current exception handler is that of the guard expression.

The => and else identifiers are exported from the (rnrs exceptions (6)) library with level 0, and are the same as in the (rnrs base (6)) library.

(raise obj)    procedure 

Raises a non-continuable exception by invoking the current exception handler on obj. The handler is called with a continuation whose dynamic environment is that of the call to raise, except that the current exception handler is the one that was in place when the handler being called was installed. When the handler returns, a non-continuable exception with condition type &non-continuable is raised in the same dynamic environment as the handler.

(raise-continuable obj)    procedure 

Raises a continuable exception by invoking the current exception handler on obj. The handler is called with a continuation that is equivalent to the continuation of the call to raise-continuable, with these two exceptions: (1) the current exception handler is the one that was in place when the handler being called was installed, and (2) if the handler being called returns, then it will again become the current exception handler. If the handler returns, the values it returns become the values returned by the call to raise-continuable.

(guard (con
         ((error? con)
          (if (message-condition? con)
              (display (condition-message con))
              (display "an error has occurred")
         ((violation? con)
          (if (message-condition? con)
              (display (condition-message con))
              (display "the program has a bug"))
      (&message (message "I am an error")))))
    prints: I am an error
           ⇒ error

(guard (con
         ((error? con)
          (if (message-condition? con)
              (display (condition-message con))
              (display "an error has occurred")
      (&message (message "I am an error")))))
          ⇒  &violation exception

(guard (con
         ((error? con)
          (display "error opening file")
  (call-with-input-file "foo.scm" read))
    prints: error opening file
           ⇒ #f

  (lambda (con)
      ((not (warning? con))
       (raise con))
      ((message-condition? con)
       (display (condition-message con)))
       (display "a warning has been issued")))
  (lambda ()
    (+ (raise-continuable
             (message "should be a number"))))
    prints: should be a number
           ⇒ 65

7.2  Conditions

The section describes Scheme’s (rnrs conditions (6))library for creating and inspecting condition types and values. A condition value encapsulates information about an exceptional situation, or exception. Scheme also defines a number of basic condition types.

Scheme conditions provides two mechanisms to enable communication about exceptional situation: subtyping among condition types allows handling code to determine the general nature of an exception even though it does not anticipate its exact nature, and compound conditions allow an exceptional situation to be described in multiple ways.

Rationale:   Conditions are values that communicate information about exceptional situations between parts of a program. Code that detects an exception may be in a different part of the program than the code that handles it. In fact, the former may have been written independently from the latter. Consequently, to facilitate effective handling of exceptions, conditions should communicate as much information with as much accuracy as feasible, and still allow effective handling by code that did not precisely anticipate the nature of the exception that occurred.

7.2.1  Condition objects

Conceptually, there are two different kinds of condition objects: simple conditionsand compound conditions. An object that is either a simple condition or a compound condition is simply a condition. Compound conditions form a type disjoint from the base types described in report section on “Base types”. A simple condition describes a single aspect of an exceptional situation. A compound condition represents multiple aspects of an exceptional situation as a list of simple conditions, its components. Most of the operations described in this section treat a simple condition identically to a compound condition consisting of only the simple condition. Thus, a simple condition is its own sole component. For a subtype t of &condition, a condition of type t is either a record of type t or a compound condition containing a component of type t.

&condition    condition type 

Simple conditions are records of subtypes of the &condition record type. The &condition type is neither sealed nor opaque.

(condition condition1 ...)    procedure 

The conditions must be conditions. The condition procedure returns a condition object with the components of the conditions as its components, in the same order, i.e., with the components of condition1 appearing first in the same order as in condition1, then with the components of condition2, and so on. The returned condition is compound if the total number of components is zero or greater than one. Otherwise, it may be compound or simple.

(simple-conditions condition)    procedure 

condition must be a condition. The simple-conditions procedure returns a list of the components of condition, in the same order as they appeared in the construction of condition. The returned list is immutable. If the returned list is modified, the effect on condition is unspecified.

Note:   Because condition decomposes its arguments into simple conditions, simple-conditions always returns a “flattened” list of simple conditions.

(condition? obj)    procedure 

Returns #t if obj is a (simple or compound) condition, otherwise returns #f.

(condition-predicate rtd)    procedure 

Rtd must be a record-type descriptor of a subtype of &condition. The condition-predicate procedure returns a procedure that takes one argument. This procedure returns #t if its argument is a condition of the condition type represented by rtd, i.e., if it is either a simple condition of that record type (or one of its subtypes) or a compound conditition with such a simple condition as one of its components.

(condition-accessor rtd proc)    procedure 

Rtd must be a record-type descriptor of a subtype of &condition. Proc must be a procedure and should accept one argument, a record of the record type of rtd. The condition-accessor procedure returns a procedure that accepts a single argument, which must be a condition of the type represented by rtd. This procedure extracts the first component of the condition of the type represented by rtd, and returns the result of applying proc to that component.

(define-record-type (&cond1 make-cond1 real-cond1?)
  (parent &condition)
   (immutable x real-cond1-x)))

(define cond1?
    (record-type-descriptor &cond1)))
(define cond1-x
    (record-type-descriptor &cond1)

(define foo (make-cond1 ’foo))

(condition? foo)         ⇒ #t
(cond1? foo)         ⇒ #t
(cond1-x foo)         ⇒ foo

(define-record-type (&cond2 make-cond2 real-cond2?)
  (parent &condition)
   (immutable y real-cond2-y)))

(define cond2?
    (record-type-descriptor &cond2)))
(define cond2-y
     (record-type-descriptor &cond2)

(define bar (make-cond2 ’bar))

(condition? (condition foo bar)) 
                ⇒ #t
(cond1? (condition foo bar)) 
                ⇒ #t
(cond2? (condition foo bar)) 
                ⇒ #t
(cond1? (condition foo))         ⇒ #t
(real-cond1? (condition foo)) 
                ⇒ unspecified
(real-cond1? (condition foo bar)) 
                ⇒ #f
(cond1-x (condition foo bar) 
                ⇒ foo
(cond2-y (condition foo bar) 
                ⇒ bar
(equal? (simple-conditions (condition foo bar))
        (list foo bar))         ⇒ #t

(equal? (simple-conditions
          (condition foo (condition bar)))
        (list foo bar))         ⇒ #t

(define-condition-type <condition-type>    syntax 

<constructor> <predicate>

Syntax: <Condition-type>, <supertypes>, <constructor>, and <predicate> must all be identifiers. Each <field-spec> must be of the form

(<field> <accessor>)

where both <field> and <accessor> must be identifiers.

Semantics: The define-condition-type form expands into a record-type definition for a record type &condition-type (see section 6.3). The record type will be non-opaque, non-sealed, and its fields will be immutable. It will have <supertype> has its parent type. The remaining identifiers will be bound as follows:

(define-condition-type &c &condition
  make-c c?
  (x c-x))

(define-condition-type &c1 &c
  make-c1 c1?
  (a c1-a))

(define-condition-type &c2 &c
  make-c2 c2?
  (b c2-b))

(define v1 (make-c1 "V1" "a1"))

(c? v1)                ⇒ #t
(c1? v1)               ⇒ #t
(c2? v1)               ⇒ #f
(c-x v1)               ⇒ "V1"
(c1-a v1)              ⇒ "a1"

(define v2 (make-c2 "V2" "b2"))

(c? v2)                ⇒ #t
(c1? v2)               ⇒ #f
(c2? v2)               ⇒ #t
(c-x v2)               ⇒ "V2"
(c2-b v2)              ⇒ "b2"

(define v3 (condition
             (make-c1 "V3/1" "a3")
             (make-c2 "V3/2" "b3")))

(c? v3)                ⇒ #t
(c1? v3)               ⇒ #t
(c2? v3)               ⇒ #t
(c-x v3)               ⇒ "V3/1"
(c1-a v3)              ⇒ "a3"
(c2-b v3)              ⇒ "b3"

(define v4 (condition v1 v2))

(c? v4)                ⇒ #t
(c1? v4)               ⇒ #t
(c2? v4)               ⇒ #t
(c-x v4)               ⇒ "V1"
(c1-a v4)              ⇒ "a1"
(c2-b v4)              ⇒ "b2"

(define v5 (condition v2 v3))

(c? v5)                ⇒ #t
(c1? v5)               ⇒ #t
(c2? v5)               ⇒ #t
(c-x v5)               ⇒ "V2"
(c1-a v5)              ⇒ "a3"
(c2-b v5)              ⇒ "b2"

7.3  Standard condition types

&message    condition type 
(make-message-condition message)    procedure 
(message-condition? obj)    procedure 
(condition-message condition)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &message &condition
  make-message-condition message-condition?
  (message condition-message))

It carries a message further describing the nature of the condition to humans.

&warning    condition type 
(make-warning)    procedure 
(warning? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &warning &condition
  make-warning warning?)

This type describes conditions that do not, in principle, prohibit immediate continued execution of the program, but may interfere with the program’s execution later.

&serious    condition type 
(make-serious-condition)    procedure 
(serious-condition? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &serious &condition
  make-serious-condition serious-condition?)

This type describes conditions serious enough that they cannot safely be ignored. This condition type is primarily intended as a supertype of other condition types.

&error    condition type 
(make-error)    procedure 
(error? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &error &serious
  make-error error?)

This type describes errors, typically caused by something that has gone wrong in the interaction of the program with the external world or the user.

&violation    condition type 
(make-violation)    procedure 
(violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &violation &serious
  make-violation violation?)

This type describes violations of the language standard or a library standard, typically caused by a programming error.

&non-continuable    condition type 
(make-non-continuable-violation)    procedure 
(non-continuable-violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &non-continuable &violation

This type indicates that an exception handler invoked via raise has returned.

&implementation-restriction    condition type 
(make-implementation-restriction-violation)    procedure 
(implementation-restriction-violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &implementation-restriction

This type describes a violation of an implementation restriction allowed by the specification, such as the absence of representations for NaNs and infinities. (See section 11.2.)

&lexical    condition type 
(make-lexical-violation)    procedure 
(lexical-violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &lexical &violation
  make-lexical-violation lexical-violation?)

This type describes syntax violations at the level of the read syntax.

&syntax    condition type 
(make-syntax-violation form subform)    procedure 
(syntax-violation? obj)    procedure 
(syntax-violation-form condition)    procedure 
(syntax-violation-subform condition)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &syntax &violation
  make-syntax-violation syntax-violation?
  (form syntax-violation-form)
  (subform syntax-violation-subform))

This type describes syntax violations. The form field contains the erroneous syntax object or a datum representing the code of the erroneous form. The subform field may contain an optional syntax object or datum within the erroneous form that more precisely locates the violation. It can be #f to indicate the absence of more precise information.

&undefined    condition type 
(make-undefined-violation)    procedure 
(undefined-violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &undefined &violation
  make-undefined-violation undefined-violation?)

This type describes unbound identifiers in the program.

&assertion    condition type 
(make-assertion-violation obj)    procedure 
(assertion-violation? obj)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &assertion &violation
  make-assertion-violation assertion-violation?)

This type describes an invalid call to a procedure, either passing an invalid number of arguments, or passing an argument of the wrong type.

&irritants    condition type 
(make-irritants-condition irritants)    procedure 
(irritants-condition? obj)    procedure 
(condition-irritants condition)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &irritants &condition
  make-irritants-condition irritants-condition?
  (irritants condition-irritants))

The irritants field should contain a list of objects. This condition provides additional information about a condition, typically the argument list of a procedure that detected an exception. Conditions of this type are created by the error and assertion-violation procedures of report section on “Errors and violations”.

&who    condition type 
(make-who-condition who)    procedure 
(who-condition? obj)    procedure 
(condition-who condition)    procedure 

This condition type could be defined by

(define-condition-type &who &condition
  make-who-condition who-condition?
  (who condition-who))

The who field should contain a symbol or string identifying the entity reporting the exception. Conditions of this type are created by the error and assertion-violation procedures (report section on “Errors and violations”), and the syntax-violation procedure (section on “Syntax violations”).