1 Unicode
1.1 Characters
1.2 Strings
2 Bytevectors
2.1 Endianness
2.2 General operations
2.3 Operations on bytes and octets
2.4 Operations on integers of arbitrary size
2.5 Operations on 16-bit integers
2.6 Operations on 32-bit integers
2.7 Operations on 64-bit integers
2.8 Operations on IEEE-754 representations
2.9 Operations on strings
6 Records
6.1 Mutability and equivalence
6.2 Procedural layer
6.3 Syntactic layer
6.4 Inspection
7 Exceptions and conditions
7.1 Exceptions
7.2 Conditions
7.2.1 Condition objects
7.3 Standard condition types
8 I/O
8.1 Condition types
8.2 Port I/O
8.2.1 File names
8.2.2 File options
8.2.3 Buffer modes
8.2.4 Transcoders
8.2.5 End of file object
8.2.6 Input and output ports
8.2.7 Input ports
8.2.8 Binary input
8.2.9 Textual input
8.2.10 Output ports
8.2.11 Binary output
8.2.12 Textual output
8.2.13 Input/output ports
8.3 Simple I/O
10 Command-line access and exit values
11 Arithmetic
11.1 Fixnums
11.2 Flonums
11.3 Exact bitwise arithmetic
12 syntax-case
12.1 Hygiene
12.2 Syntax objects
12.3 Transformers
12.4 Parsing input and producing output
12.5 Identifier predicates
12.6 Syntax-object and datum conversions
12.7 Generating lists of temporaries
12.8 Derived forms and procedures
12.9 Syntax violations
13 Hashtables
13.1 Constructors
13.2 Procedures
13.3 Inspection
13.4 Hash functions
Alphabetic index of definitions of
concepts, keywords, and procedures