[R6RS] Scheme workshop

Marc Feeley feeley
Thu Aug 5 09:12:33 EDT 2004

> >>>>> "Kent" == R Kent Dybvig <dyb at cs.indiana.edu> writes:
> Kent> To give us more time, we might consider meeting on Saturday the 18th.
> Could people who intend to come please say when they're there and what
> times would suit them?  I have to make travel arrangements pretty soon
> ...
> (Speaking for myself: I'll make my own schedule fit as long as things
> are during or adjacent to ICFP.)

I can be in Snowbird for a whole day meeting on saturday september 18.
I think saturday is the best time for this.  Matthew: do you know if
we can get a conference room in Snowbird?

Please confirm your presence or absence ASAP, because we all need
to make reservations soon.


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