[R6RS] Re: strawman module syntax
Michael Sperber
Thu Jul 8 04:57:25 EDT 2004
This message is on the pragmatics of the module-system design. It' s
a follow-up to Matthew's original proposal, but I've tried to take
into account some of the subsequent discussion. Since so much time
has passed, I'm repeating myself on a lot of things. If you're bored
by my lengthy gripes, you might want to skip to the end, which has a
revised proposal.
First off, I have done a lot of hacking with the module and unit
systems in MzScheme and Scheme 48. They are pragmatically very
similar for many uses, and, I believe, already constitute a good match
to the problem we're trying to solve. Matthew's work on semantics and
phase separation is, IMHO, exactly what we need, and should form the
basis of the R6RS module system. I think there's still some room for
improvement on the pragmatic side. None of which affects the semantic
basis, though.
Here are my gripes with Matthew's proposal:
[Matthew: Your name appears frequently---you may feel you've already
argued everything I'm asking questions about. I would appreciate if
you could comment on some of these issues nevertheless---I may not
have understood your position completely.]
Minor gripes:
- INCLUDE should be called something else---people would expect
textual inclusion, when in fact it means doing textual inclusion and
then wrapping a BEGIN around it. (For similar reasons, I think
BEGIN is misplaced here.) I suggest renaming it to ... I can't
think of anything but FILE. Shucks. Matthew, could you expand on
the rationale of distinguishing between "Unix-style relative path"
and "OS-specific absolute path" in <path-spec>?
- In MzScheme, I really hate the restriction that, in the language
designation, I can only put a <require> and not a <require-spec>.
Matthew---could you expand on why this is so?
- I feel often restricted by having only one module per file. Marc
mentioned that this restriction may also make it difficult to write
one-file scripts. (And, conversely, I appreciate the capability in
the Scheme 48 module system to put several module definitions in one
- In MzScheme, I miss the ability to have one piece of code + imports
define several modules. By transitivity, I miss the availability of
interfaces as separate entities.
- Scheme 48 requires specifying whether an export is syntax or not; I
consider this worthwhile information, that might also help the
Bigger gripes:
- I don't agree that components (in the sense of parametric modules)
should be underneath the level of *this* module system.
In MzScheme, components are implemented as units, which are dynamic
entities, and turning a module into a component involves first
stuffing the module body into a unit and then export a unit
instantiation from the module itself. This means turning a dynamic
entity (the unit) into a static one (the module) which my gut tells
me is the wrong way around. I would rather see this kind of
static component -> static module -> dynamic component
or directly
static component -> dynamic component
But this is mostly theory, and I'm getting ahead of myself ...
Moreover, there's a real pragmatic problem in that, to turn a module
into a component, I need to change its insides. (Matthew will
probably say that this is precisely the intention.) This is OK for
crack programmers who have the full source code at their disposal,
and perform these changes at will. However, it falls down for
- who have only a foggy understanding of the distinction between a
module and a component, but do understand linking in C
- who use third-party modules shipped in some kind of binary format,
and need to do component things with it
[Example: I once had a student write a networked version of Java AWT
(in the days the AWT wasn't uncool yet). There's no way to make
existing AWT programs use it because they refer not just to any old
implementation of the AWT interface, but *the official Sun AWT
itself*. This sucks.]
I agree with Matthew that it's good to have a module have a defined,
fixed semantics. I disagree that this semantics should be attached
to what's specified in REQUIRE exclusively---I would like that
semantics to be fixed *in the context of a specific application*.
(What's an "application"? A collection of modules thrown together
with all dependencies resolved. Roughly)
This isn't all that different from the way MzScheme works in the
real world---I can set a different PLTCOLLECTS aka CLASSPATH and
thus change the context a program runs in. (But Matthew has pointed
out that he considers some of the uses of this I outlined as
To make a long story short: I think that module *interfaces*, not
definitions should have globally unique meanings, and that the
implementation for any given interface should be determined at
compile/link time. This would mirror the way cc/ld works, and I
think it's the way to go.
This is not the same as turning modules into components. I
would still expect that any single interface in a given application
has only one implmenetation. But it leaves a the possibility
conversion path from a module to component in place---that path
doesn't exist with MzScheme's current system, because the module
bodies don't contain enough information.
This would imply separatating interfaces from modules, and would
benefit from allowing several definitions per file.
Revised proposal:
So---here something that incorporates my changes. Note that it's
syntactically closer to Scheme 48 than MzScheme, but it's really
Matthew's system semantically. (That would be my characterization,
anyway. He may disagree though.)
A summarizing note on the pragmatics of application organization: (I'm
avoiding the word "program.")
- An application consists of several files written in the
configuration language whose syntax is outlined before. (These may
refer other files written in other languages that are, however, also
conceptually part of these same files.)
- Imports are of interfaces only, not implementations, and the
references are by name.
- If any module or interface definition wants to refer to an interface
not defined in the same file, it needs to specify a globally unique
reference to that interface.
- A Scheme system might support some kind of interactive incremental
loading facility for the configuration files constituing an
application, or some cc/ld-like batch mode. This involves some kind
of mapping of concrete files/library collections into the global
Here is the syntax:
<config form> -> <interface def> | <module def>
<interface def> -> (DEFINE-INTERFACE <identifier> <interface exp>)
<interface exp> -> (EXPORT <export spec> ...)
| (COMPOUND-INTERFACE <identifier> ...)
| <interface name>
<interface name> -> <identifier> ; reference to interface in the same file
| <one of several global interfaces, such as R6RS-CORE>
| (INTERFACE-REF <string> ... <identifier>)
; an globally unique path specification of a file, followed by an interface
; identifier defined in that file
<export spec> -> <identifier>
| (<identifier> :SYNTAX)
| ((<identifier> ...) :SYNTAX)
<interface ref> ->
<module def> -> (DEFINE-MODULE <identifier> ; its name
<interface name> ; export interface
<interface name> ; language designation
<clause> ...)
<module def> | (DEFINE-MODULES ((<identifier> ; its name
<interface name>) ; export interface
<interface name> ; language designation
<clause> ...)
<clause> -> (REQUIRE <require spec> ...)
| (CODE <command or definition> ...)
| (FILES <abstract file name> ...)
<require spec> -> <interface name>
| (ONLY <require spec> <identifier> ...)
; Restrict to specific ids
| (EXCEPT <require spec> <identifier> ...)
; Remove specific ids
| (ADD-PREFIX <require spec> <identifier>)
; Add a uniform prefix
| (DROP-PREFIX <require spec> <identifier>)
; Remove a uniform prefix
| (RENAME <require spec> (<identifier> <identifier>) ...)
; Rename
| (ALIAS <require spec> (<identifier> <identifier>) ...)
; Add additional name
- We would still need to decide on a concrete syntax for path
specifications, along the lines of Java has.
- This is not any comment on the design Chez-style modules; I think
they should (modulo the names bound by it, plus phases) stay roughly
the same, and be accorded library status. Note that this proposal
would really make Chez-style and "Mike-style" modules quite
distinct. (And I believe that's a good thing.)
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, V?lkerverst?ndigung und ?berhaupt blabla
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