[R6RS] Syntax for multiple values

Anton van Straaten anton
Wed Dec 14 07:21:17 EST 2005

A belated response:

On 08/13/2005 at 01:27 PM, dyb at cs.indiana.edu wrote:
> I find the (values ...) binding syntax ugly and would prefer not to
> consider it further.  (Why stop at values, anyway?  Why not allow cons
> and vector and make-foo, etc.?)  

A pattern matcher?  Yes please!

> The (let ((x1 x2 ... expr) ...) body)
> syntax seems somewhat reasonable.  I'm concerned, however, that it will
> be confusing: people might think that the "expressions" after the first
> variable are treated as an implicit begin and be surprised that this
> isn't the case.  And while it looks okay for short variable names and
> rhs expressions, the (let ((x1 x2 ... expr) ...) body) syntax is going
> to look strange no matter how it's pretty-printed when the names and/or
> expr are long enough that the binding is split across multiple lines.
> For these reasons, I actually like the extra parens in let-values.
> If one uses square brackets around the bindings, it's not three open
> parens in a row but a much more readable paren-bracket-paren for the
> first and bracket-paren for the others.
> If we want to extend let rather than add let-values, I suggest that we 
> go with
>    (let ([lhs expr] ...) body)
> where
>    lhs -> var | (var ...)
> This also has better upgrade continuity than let-values, and it avoids the
> potential confusion and formatting difficulties of the SRFI 71 proposal.
> It doesn't extend gracefully to a single-variable rest interface, but
> I don't think that handling arbitrary numbers of return values is all
> that important.  I've more often wanted the consumer to be a case-lambda,
> e.g., accept say 2 or 3 values rather than an arbitrary number of values,
> and none of the proposals allow that.  I'm happy to use call-with-values
> or with-values in either case.

Assuming a pattern matcher which subsumes this functionality is out of 
the question for R6RS, I strongly support the above proposal for 
extending let.  I find that having to break out of a let or let* to use 
let-values (or receive) detracts greatly from the usefulness of multiple 
values.  This change makes multiple values much more usable and useful.

I assume the same changes would be made to let*, letrec, and the new 


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