[R6RS] Request for vote: Syntax for multiple values
Michael Sperber
Fri Dec 23 02:39:15 EST 2005
"Manuel Serrano" <Manuel.Serrano at sophia.inria.fr> writes:
>> >> <binding spec> -> (<binding lhs> <expression>)
>> >> <binding lhs> -> <variable>
>> >> | (<variable>*)
>> > Why "*" and not "+"? Do we really want to allow expressions such as:
>> >
>> > (let ((() expr)) ...)
>> Yes.
> Why?
I guess they're less useful for LET and LETREC. However with LET* and
LETREC*, I sometimes want to intersperse side-effecting expressions
with regular bindings. Those expressions will often have (especially
with the change we've made to the semantics of BEGIN) zero return
Generally, making <binding lhs> as close as possible to <formals> is
just POLA.
Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, V?lkerverst?ndigung und ?berhaupt blabla
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