Less verbose type definition form (was: [R6RS] Records comments)
Marc Feeley
Fri Jul 15 10:05:48 EDT 2005
Here is my proposal for a "less verbose" type definition form.
Grammar of "basic" type definition form
<type-definition> ::= ( define-type <type-name> <type-attrib-or-
field-def>* )
<type-name> ::= <identifier>
<type-attrib-or-field-def> ::= <type-attribute> | <field-definition>
::= <extends-attribute>
| <extensible-attribute>
| <id-attribute>
| <constructor-attribute>
| <predicate-attribute>
::= extends: <type-name>
| extends: #f
::= extensible: #t
| extensible: #f
::= id: <globally-unique-type-name>
| id: #f
<globally-unique-type-name> ::= <identifier>
::= constructor: <constructor-name>
<constructor-name> ::= <identifier>
::= predicate: <predicate-name>
<predicate-name> ::= <identifier>
::= <field-name>
| ( <field-name> <field-attribute>* )
| ( <field-name> <getter-name> <field-attribute>* )
| ( <field-name> <getter-name> <setter-name> <field-attribute>* )
<field-name> ::= <identifier> not ending with a colon
<getter-name> ::= <identifier>
<setter-name> ::= <identifier>
::= mutable: #t
| mutable: #f
In the following explanation, T is the name of the type being defined
(the <type-name> identifier immediately after "define-type"), F1 is
the <field-name> of this type definition's first <field-definition>,
F2 is the name of the second, etc.
Defaults for type attributes
At most one <extends-attribute> is allowed in a <type-definition>.
When no <extends-attribute> appears in the <type-definition>, the
following default is used
extends: #f
At most one <extensible-attribute> is allowed in a <type-
definition>. When no <extensible-attribute> appears in the <type-
definition>, the following default is used
extensible: #f
At most one <id-attribute> is allowed in a <type-definition>. When
no <id-attribute> appears in the <type-definition>, the following
default is used
id: #f
At most one <constructor-attribute> is allowed in a <type-
definition>. When no <constructor-attribute> appears in the <type-
definition>, the following default is used
constructor: make-T
At most one <predicate-attribute> is allowed in a <type-definition>.
When no <predicate-attribute> appears in the <type-definition>, the
following default is used
predicate: T?
The <extends-attribute> indicates the type inheritance relationship.
extends: <type-name> T is derived from <type-name>
which must be extensible.
T inherits the fields defined in
<type-name>. Instances of T
are also instances of <type-name>.
extends: #f T is a base record type.
The <extensible-attribute> indicates whether or not T is extensible.
extensible: #t T is extensible.
extensible: #f T is not extensible.
The <id-attribute> indicates the identity of the type. The identity
is used by the predicate to test if an object is an instance of T.
id: <globally-unique-type-name> T's identity is the identifier
id: #f T's identity is regenerated
each time the type
definition is evaluated
(i.e. the type is generative).
The <constructor-attribute> indicates the name of the constructor
constructor: <constructor-name>
The constructor procedure can be viewed as a lambda expression of the
(lambda (I1 I2... F1 F2...) <body>)
where I1, I2... correspond to the field names of the parent type, if
T is a subtype.
The <predicate-attribute> indicates the name of the predicate procedure.
predicate: <predicate-name>
The fundamental <field-definition> forms are
( F G ) immutable field named F whose getter procedure
is named G
( F G S ) mutable field named F whose getter procedure
is named G and whose setter procedure is named S
The other field definition forms can be explained in terms of the
fundamental field definition forms
F = ( F T-F T-F-set! )
( F ) = ( F T-F T-F-set! )
( F mutable: #t ) = ( F T-F T-F-set! )
( F mutable: #f ) = ( F T-F )
( F G ) = ( F G )
( F G mutable: #t ) = *error*
( F G mutable: #f ) = ( F G )
( F G S ) = ( F G S )
( F G S mutable: #t ) = ( F G S )
( F G S mutable: #f ) = *error*
Each field is initialized from the constructor's formal parameter of
the same name.
All of the following type definitions for a "2D point" type are
(define-type point x y)
(define-type point
constructor: make-point
(define-type point
predicate: point?
(x mutable: #t)
(y mutable: #t))
(define-type point
constructor: make-point
predicate: point?
(x point-x point-x-set!)
(y point-y point-y-set!))
Here is the definition of an extensible 2D point and a non-extensible
3D point
(define-type point2D
extensible: #t
(define-type point3D
extends: point2D
The basic type definition form specified above could be extended to
allow arbitrary field initialization. One approach is to allow
specifying the parameters of the constructor by extending the
<constructor-attribute> category
::= constructor: <constructor-name>
| constructor: ( <constructor-name> <variable>* )
and to add a field initialization form to <field-attribute>
::= mutable: #t
| mutable: #f
| init: <expression>
The scope of the constructor's formal parameters includes the field
initialization expressions (i.e. the <expression> in "init:
<expression>"). If not specified the field F is initialized from the
formal parameter of the same name. It is also reasonable to specify
that the <constructor-attribute>
constructor: C
is equivalent to
constructor: ( C F1 F2... )
When inheritance is used, it is not clear how the field
initialization expressions are interpreted. For instance in
(define-type point2D
extensible: #t
constructor: (make-point2D x)
(y init: (* x x)))
(define-type point3D extends: point2D
constructor: (make-point3D z)
how are the fields x and y initialized when make-point3D is called?
I think that the parent type's formal parameters should implicitly be
prefixed to the constructor's parameters. So in the example above
make-point3D would take two parameters: x (inherited from point2D)
and z. This means that the names of the formal parameters must be
distinct from those of the parent's constructor. This approach
allows things like
(define-type point2D
extensible: #t
constructor: (make-point2D x)
(y init: (* x x)))
(define-type point3D extends: point2D
(z init: (- x z))) ; note: accessing the parent constructor's
parameter x
; y is not accessible
An instance initializer form could also be added as a <type-attribute>.
::= <extends-attribute>
| <extensible-attribute>
| <id-attribute>
| <constructor-attribute>
| <predicate-attribute>
| <init-attribute>
::= init: (lambda (<self-name>) <body>)
<self-name> ::= <identifier>
After the record instance is allocated and the field initialization
forms have been evaluated, the <init-attribute> is called with the
record instance as its single parameter (after calling the <init-
attribute>(s) of the parent(s) of course).
I'm a bit uncomfortable with this because immutable fields can't be
initialized using the instance initializer form.
In fact, I would be content with the basic type definition form. If
you need to initialize fields specially, just define your own
constructor procedure (outside of the type definition form). For
(define-type point2D
extensible: #t
constructor: make-plain-point2D
(define (make-point2D x)
(make-plain-point2D x (* x x)))
(define-type point3D extends: point2D
constructor: make-plain-point3D
(define (make-point3D x z)
(make-plain-point3D x (* x x) (- x z)))
Anyway, with these extensions, this proposal provides the same
features as the "featureful syntactic layer" of the Clinger/Dybvig/
Sperber proposal. However, it (in my view)
1) has a syntax that is more lightweight in the common
case, i.e. locally used non-extensible small records
2) has a syntax that is easier to parse for humans (not based
on positional arguments)
3) has a syntax that is more extensible (for adding new type
attributes or field attributes)
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