[R6RS] SRFIs for R6RS

Marc Feeley feeley
Wed Jun 1 16:35:12 EDT 2005

Some SRFIs will have been reviewed by the whole editors committee  
some others won't.  I don't think the R6RS designation in the title  
suggests that the whole committee has reviewed it in detail.  It  
would be best of course to not put controversial (for the editors)  
things in the SRFI if previous discussion among us has shown that it  
is controversial.  I trust everyone's judgement on this.


On 31-May-05, at 12:42 PM, William D Clinger wrote:

>> Is that OK?
> It's okay with me.  It seems to me, however, that the "R6RS"
> designation might suggest that the editors as a whole have
> endorsed the SRFI, which (if I understand the process correctly)
> will probably not be the case.
> Will
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