[R6RS] 3 things we may want to vote on

Anton van Straaten anton
Wed Jun 8 14:02:36 EDT 2005

> - Specify primitives to return zero values
>         Clinger: no
>          Dybvig: not sure
>          Feeley: no
>           Flatt: no
>         Serrano: not sure
>         Sperber: yes
>    van Straaten: maybe
>     Action: The jury is still out.  Dybvig, Serrano and van Straaten  
> should vote firmly.

If a vote is required now, I vote no.  This change sounds as though it 
could be for the better, but it seems to me more of a question of 
elegance than a practical matter, and it's not clear that it's worth 
breaking backward compatibility in this area.

> - Zap SET-CAR! & SET-CDR!
>         Clinger: yes (if it can be done with the module system)
>          Dybvig: not sure
>          Feeley: no
>           Flatt: no
>         Serrano: no
>         Sperber: yes
>    van Straaten: no

For the record, I agree with Will's position on this.  That doesn't 
actually change my vote, unless this change can be done with the module 


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