[R6RS] R6RS Unicode SRFI controversial issues
Anton van Straaten
Sat Jun 18 16:43:50 EDT 2005
Marc Feeley wrote:
> The #<< is followed (to the end of line) by a keyword that must come by
> itself on a line to indicate the end of the string. All the characters
> between #<<KEY<newline> and <newline>KEY<newline> are included verbatim
> in the string (note that the <newline> before the keyword is not
> included, so that it is possible to have multiline strings that don't
> end in a newline).
> Gambit also has the #<X...X syntax of Scsh (where X is an arbitrary
> character which delimits the characters of the string). It is
> analogous to the \verb|...| form of latex.
> How do people feel about these syntaxes? Based on your response we could:
> 1) drop the here-string syntax and allow newlines in the normal string
> syntax
> 2) adopt the here-string syntax and allow newlines in the normal string
> syntax
> 3) adopt the here-string syntax and disallow newlines in the normal
> string syntax
> My preference is option 3.
Of these options, I'm in favor of option 2. Mixing code of various
kinds has become very common in all sorts of contexts, what with the
web, XML, SQL, and Schemes hosted in other language environments. It
would be useful for Scheme to be able to handle this well.
I'd also be open to alternative means to the same end, i.e. I'm not
wedded to the here-string syntax. However, it does have the benefit of
being well-known and implemented in at least a couple of Schemes.
Re disallowing newlines in normal strings, R5RS and current
implementations already allow them, so banning them would require a
strong argument. I don't see the argument that such strings are hard
for humans to parse as being strong enough.
One observation about the here-string syntax as proposed above:
Perl-style here-strings (see e.g. [1]) support code like this:
$data = foo(<<THING, arg2, arg3);
This is a long quoted line.
IIUC, the Scsh/Gambit approach would require something more like this:
(set! data (foo <<THING
This is a long quoted line.
arg2 arg3))
...which seems quite a bit less readable to me. Are there any drawbacks
to supporting something more like the following?
(set! data (foo #<<THING arg2 arg3))
This is a long quoted line.
In this case, the end-of-string token (THING in this case) would
presumably need to follow the rules for identifier syntax, but that
seems OK to me - it should always be possible to construct a
sufficiently distinct identifier.
[1] http://www.stonehenge.com/merlyn/UnixReview/col12.html
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