[R6RS] R6RS Unicode SRFI controversial issues

Michael Sperber sperber
Tue Jun 21 03:40:47 EDT 2005

Anton van Straaten <anton at appsolutions.com> writes:

> Michael Sperber wrote:
>> Anton van Straaten <anton at appsolutions.com> writes:
>>> One observation about the here-string syntax as proposed above:
>>> Perl-style here-strings (see e.g. [1]) support code like this:
>>>  $data = foo(<<THING, arg2, arg3);
>>>  This is a long quoted line.
>>>  THING
>> How is the beginning of the string determined?
> I believe the usual approach is that the string begins on the line 
> following the token which introduces it.  I.e. the rest of the line 
> after the token is parsed as normal code, and the string begins after 
> the newline. [...]

> When you see "#<<THING", you know you need to look on the next line for 
> the data which it references.  The data has already been extracted from 
> the source location which references it.  There's no need to abstract it 
> further by binding an ordinary lexical name to it, unless you need to 
> reuse the string, or define it a greater distance from where you use it.

Huh.  My gut tells me this is a total hack, yet my brain doesn't seem
to be able to poke an honest hole in it, other than the complications
in implementing the reader.  Does it scale to multiple arguments?

$data = foo(<<THING1, <<THING2, arg3, arg4);
This is the value of THING1
This is the value of THING2

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, V?lkerverst?ndigung und ?berhaupt blabla

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