[R6RS] R6RS Unicode SRFI controversial issues

Manuel Serrano Manuel.Serrano
Mon Jun 27 05:55:12 EDT 2005

> (let ((thing1 #<<THING1
> This is the value of THING1
> )
>        (thing2 #<<THING2
> This is the value of THING2
> ))
>    ; use thing1 and thing2 here
> )
> Perl-style:
> (let ((thing1 #<<THING1) (thing2 #<<THING2))
> This is the value of THING1
> This is the value of THING2
>    ; use thing1 and thing2 here
> )
> But as I said, I'm much more interested in having support for blocks of 
> unescaped text, than I am in the exact syntax or features used to 
> achieve that.
We could also consider the syntax we have designed for Skribe. It is
available at (see section 2.1):


I think that it is superior to the #<< syntax because it allows escapes
inside texts.


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