Fwd: [R6RS] Flonum operators and modules

Marc Feeley feeley
Thu May 19 15:40:25 EDT 2005

Forgot to send this to the whole list...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Marc Feeley <feeley at iro.umontreal.ca>
> Date: May 19, 2005 2:49:54 PM EDT
> To: dyb at cs.indiana.edu
> Subject: Re: [R6RS] Flonum operators and modules
> On May 19, 2005, at 10:51 AM, dyb at cs.indiana.edu wrote:
>> Yes, modules are identifiers just like any other identifier, and 
>> there can
>> only be one top-level identifier with a given name in a given 
>> environment.
> Could you define the term "environment"?  Do you mean lexical 
> environment?
> So there can only be one top-level module "foo".  Is everyone in 
> agreement with this?  It does pose a namespace issue at the module 
> level, but I don't have a problem with that.
> Marc

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