[R6RS] final omnibus vote list

Michael Sperber sperber at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
Sun Apr 30 06:21:31 EDT 2006

1.  unspecified value, three options:
    A. leave as in r5rs: set!, set-car!, etc., return unspecified value
    B. require return of new void value
    C. require return of zero values

    Vote: C

2.  add (void) constructor if we choose option B on Vote 1

    Vote: Yes (even if we choose one of the others)

3.  add #!void syntax if we choose option B on Vote 1

    Vote: No

4.  add (begin) expression

    (begin) => unspecified value [or Vote 1 replacement]

    Vote: Yes

5.  add (define x) syntax

    (define x) => (define x <void>)           if we choose option B on Vote 1
    (define x) => (define x <unspecified>)    otherwise

    Vote: No

6.  extend case to use member in place of memv

    Vote: No

7.  add graph printing: #n= marks datum, #n# references

    Vote: No

8.  write uses graph printing when cycles are detected if we choose yes on
    Vote 7.

    Vote: No

9.  add mechanism for causing write to use graph printing if we choose yes
    on Vote 7.

    Vote: No

10. add when and unless forms:

    (when e0 e1 e2 ...) => (if e0 (begin e1 e2 ...) <unspecified value>)
    (unless e0 e1 e2 ...) => (if e0 <unspecified value> (begin e1 e2 ...))

    Vote: No

11. relegate one-armed if to r5rs-compatibility library

    Vote: No

12. add call/cc as an "official" abbreviation for call-with-current-continuation

    Vote: No

13. add rec form:

    (rec id e) => (letrec ([id e]) id)

    Vote: Yes

14. add #n( vector prefix:

    Examples: #5(0 1 2 3 4) equiv. #(0 1 2 3 4)
              #8(0 1 2 3 4) equiv. #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
              #1000(#f) equiv. #(#f #f ... #f)  [ 1000 #f's ]

    Vote: No

15. require write to use #n( prefix

    Vote: No

16. allow write to use #n( prefix

    Vote: No

17. add gensyms

    (gensym) => gensym
    (gensym? x) => #t iff x is a gensym

    gensyms have both a pretty name and a globally unique name.

    (symbol->string (gensym)) => pretty name
    (symbol->unique-string (gensym)) => unique name

    syntax for gensyms to be decided.

    Vote: No

18. add case-lambda

    (case-lambda [<formals> body1 body2 ...] ...)

    where <formals> is just like a lambda <formals>, and the first clause
    for which the actuals correctly map to <formals> is chosen.

    Vote: Yes

19. add andmap

    (define andmap
      (lambda (f ls . more)
        (let andmap ([ls ls] [more more] [a #t])
          (if (null? ls)
              (let ([a (apply f (car ls) (map car more))])
                (and a (andmap (cdr ls) (map cdr more) a)))))))

    Vote: Abstain (would like more general discussion of list utils)

20. add ormap

    (define ormap
      (lambda (f ls . more)
        (let ormap ([f f] [ls ls] [more more])
          (and (not (null? ls))
               (or (apply f (car ls) (map car more))
                   (ormap f (cdr ls) (map cdr more)))))))

    Vote: Abstain (would like more general discussion of list utils)

21. specify that append does not copy first argument when second is '()

    Vote: No

22. modify quasiquote to support Alan Bawden's PEPM '99 nested quasiquote

    Vote: Yes

23. mvbinding construct names, three options:
    A. let-values and let*-values
    B. let-values and let-values*
    C. mvlet and mvlet*

    Vote: A

24. add #!eof as external representation for eof-object

    Vote: No

25. add support for formatted output

    Vote: <decided, right?>

26. add cond-expand (SRFI 0)

    Vote: No

27. add homogeneous numeric vectors

    Vote: No  (But add bytes.)

28. make () self-evaluating

    Vote: Yes

29. add support for weak pointers

    Vote: No

30. #t and #f must be followed by a delimiter

    Vote: Yes

31. characters must be followed by a delimiter

    Vote: Yes

32. add support for regular expressions

    Vote: No

33. call the new void value, if we choose option B on Vote 1:
    A. "unspecific value"
    B. "void value"
    Vote: A

    [If we choose A, I presume we would use (unspecific) rather than
    (void) if we choose yes on Vote 2 and #!unspecific rather than #!void
    if we choose yes on Vote 3.]

34. Should the character comparison predicates be required to be:
    A. n-ary
    B. binary
    Vote: A

35. flush sealed clause in records

    Vote: Yes, flush.

36. As with quoted constants, an implementation is allowed to create a
    new type each time the same define-record-type form is evaluated or to
    treat the type as a constant value, so that, for example:

      (let ((f (lambda (x) (define-record-type r ---) (if x r? (make-r ---)))))
        ((f #t) (f #f)))

    may return either #t or #f.

    Should we:
    A. leave it like it is
    B. require the descriptor to be recreated each time
    C. require the descriptor to treated as a constant

    Vote: B

37. allow record? to be true of built-in types

    Vote: Yes

38. The specification of make-record-type-descriptor has this:

    If parent is not #f, and uid is not #f, and the parent is generative
    (i.e.  its uid is #f), an error is signalled.

    Should this restriction be lifted?

    Vote: Yes

39. pin down the dynamic environment in the before and after thunks of

    Vote: Yes

40. flush named let if we choose "yes" on Vote 13

    Vote: Yes

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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