[R6RS] end game---getting really close

Anton van Straaten anton at appsolutions.com
Fri Dec 15 16:20:25 EST 2006

I've added my "A" to the following:
> 7   (Matthew, Anton)
> 28  (Matthew, Anton)
> 59  (Matthew, Anton)
> 80  (Matthew, Mike, Anton)
> 107 (Anton)
> 129 (Matthew, Mike, Anton)

I haven't yet done 75, only because I haven't yet really absorbed the 
response.  I'll look at it now.

>   3. be noncommittal and say that we will decide this issue before the
>      next draft is released
> I'm putting Mike down for 2; my vote is 1, but I think we're both okay
> with 3 as well.

I vote 3.


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