[R6RS] Scripts

dyb at cs.indiana.edu dyb at cs.indiana.edu
Wed Jul 12 11:47:27 EDT 2006

> > There's no reason why the script must run when it's loaded into an
> > interactive environment.  The interactive environment can easily provide
> > the following two procedures:
> >
> >   (load-script <script-name>) => <script-object>
> >   (invoke-script <script-object> <command-name> <argument> ...)
> I dislike this, because it doesn't fit the model of some interactive
> REPLs like that of Scheme 48 (which allows you to inject code into a
> module after it's been created).

I don't know the how Scheme-48's interactive environment works, but I
don't see any inherent problem doing that with the model I suggest. 
Perhaps you can elaborate.

> > Anyway, I don't think your model makes debugging any easier, and it may
> > prevent one from debugging multiple scripts at the same time do to the
> > restriction that they all define the same library name.
> As I said, I'm happy to lift that restriction.

Sorry, I missed that.  I'm not happy to lift that restriction with your
model, unless the script header identifies the name of the module.  I
wouldn't want the script loader to have to scan for the library name or
try to figure it out by some implicit means.


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