[R6RS] I/O questions for everyone: encoding errors

Michael Sperber sperber at informatik.uni-tuebingen.de
Thu Jul 13 13:58:50 EDT 2006

1. If one of the read-char and read-string... procedures encounters an
   invalid encoding, should it:

   a) skip the first byte of the invalid encoding and treat it as 
   b) skip the first byte of the invalid encoding and ignore it
   c) raise a continuable exception that allows the handler to specify
      what the decoding should be
   d) do one of the above depending on an (optional) configuration
      option specified upon opening the port.

2. If one of the write-char and write-string... procedures gets 
   passed a character that the transcoder of the port cannot encode,
   should it:

   a) encode the U+003F (QUESTION MARK) character instead
   b) try to encode the U+FFFD (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER), and, if that
      fails, do one of the other options
   c) ignore the character
   d) raise a continuable exception that allows the handler to specify
      what the encoding should be
   d) do one of the above depending on an (optional) configuration
      option specified upon opening the port.

Cheers =8-} Mike
Friede, Völkerverständigung und überhaupt blabla

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