[R6RS] my notes on today's conference call (6 June 2006)
William D Clinger
will at ccs.neu.edu
Tue Jun 6 14:12:25 EDT 2006
Conference call June 6 2006
All present by 12:45pm
Kent, Mike, Matthew, Will, Anton
0. finalize agenda (1 minute)
1. action items from 5/30/2006 (5 minutes)
- post dynamic-wind example(s) highlighting semantic options (Will)
- carried over:
- consider commitment for reference implementations (All)
ongoing; placeholder in status report
- complete and commit updated status report (Kent)
not yet committed, but draft is fairly complete
- submit syntax srfi (Kent)
not done yet
- mail refined core/language split proposal (Anton)
done; needs to be discussed
- update library srfi (Matthew and Kent)
not done yet
- update reference implementation for arithmetic SRFI (Will)
not done yet;
old implementation running in R5RS Scheme + SRFI 9
- discuss SRFI 1 candidates (All)
including: every, any, fold, fold-right, iota, filter, filter-map,
partition, find, concatenate, and generalized member, remove, assoc
to be discussed today
- respond to Mike's proposal for eval (All but Mike)
to be discussed today
2. dynamic-wind (10 minutes)
- vote on in/out escape semantics
proposed: not in until in thunk completes; out as soon as
out thunk is called
3. SRFI 1 procedures (15 minutes)
- find
- fold (fold-left)
- fold-right
- partition
- generalized member, remove, assoc
- remq, remv, remove
4. eval (20 minutes)
- discuss Mike's proposal
For next week:
hard questions
SRFI 1 review
eval proposal
hash tables
5. adjourn
-------- SRFI-1 procedures
(find pred ls)
- as in SRFI 1 except same constraints on argument list as we've
agreed upon for memq/memv/member
(define find
(lambda (pred ls)
[(generalized-member pred ls) => car]
[else #f])))
(find even? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ;=> 2
(find even? '(1 3 5 7 9)) ;=> #f
Main issue: returning #f creates ambiguity.
No objections really, but is it worth it?
And is the generalization to take an optional argument worth it?
Vote: Should this be in R6RS?
Not enough perceived support to vote on an optional argument.
(fold cons nil list1 list2 ...)
- as in SRFI 1 except same constraints on argument lists as we've
agreed upon for map
(define fold
(lambda (cons nil ls . ls*)
(let f ([nil nil] [ls ls] [ls* ls*])
(if (null? ls)
(f (apply cons (car ls) (append (map car ls*) (list nil)))
(cdr ls)
(map cdr ls*))))))
(fold cons '(q) '(a b c)) ;=> (c b a q)
(fold + 0 '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ;=> 21
The fold procedure of SRFI 1 seems pretty random,
and no one argued for putting it into R6RS. We
considered fold-left instead (below).
(fold-right kons knil list1 list2 ...)
- as in SRFI 1 except same constraints on argument lists as we've
agreed upon for map
(define fold-right
(lambda (cons nil ls . ls*)
(let f ([ls ls] [ls* ls*])
(if (null? ls)
(apply cons (car ls)
(append (map car ls*) (list (f (cdr ls) (map cdr ls*)))))))))
(fold-right cons '(q) '(a b c)) ;=> (a b c q)
(fold-right + 0 '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ;=> 21
;(fold-left kons knil list1 list2 ...)
; - same constraints on argument lists as we've
; agreed upon for map
(define fold-left
(lambda (cons nil ls . ls*)
(if (not (list? ls))
(domain-error "fold-left")
(let f ((nil nil) (ls ls) (ls* ls*))
(if (null? ls)
(if (not (null? (apply append ls*)))
(domain-error "fold-left")
(f (apply cons nil (car ls) (map car ls*))
(cdr ls)
(map cdr ls*)))))))
; Basic pattern:
; (fl g nil (a b c d))
;= (fl g (g nil a) (b c d))
;= (fl g (g (g nil a) b) (c d))
;= (fl g (g (g (g nil a) b) c) (d))
;= (fl g (g (g (g (g nil a) b) c) d) ())
;= (g (g (g (g nil a) b) c) d)
; (fold-left cons '(q) '(a b c)) ;=> ((((q) . a) . b) . c)
; (fold-left + 0 '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) ;=> 21
Vote: Should fold-left and fold-right be in R6RS?
Yes, 3-2 (Will, Anton, Matthew: yes; Mike, Kent: no)
(partition pred list)
- as in SRFI 1
(define partition
(lambda (pred ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(values '() '())
(let-values ([(ls1 ls2) (f (cdr ls))])
(if (pred (car ls))
(values (cons (car ls) ls1) ls2)
(values ls1 (cons (car ls) ls2))))))))
(partition even? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ;=> (2 4)
; (1 3 5)
Vote: Should this be in R6RS?
Will, Kent, Mike: yes
Matthew: no (doesn't seem useful enough)
Anton: abstain
-------- generalized member, remove, assoc
(generalized-member pred list)
- returns first pair of list whose car satisfies pred, if any,
otherwise #f
- same constraints on argument list as we've agreed upon for
- can we come up with a better name?
- SRFI 1 calls this find-tail.
- SRFI 1 also generalizes member with = argument
(define generalized-member
(lambda (pred ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
(and (not (null? ls))
(if (pred (car ls))
(f (cdr ls)))))))
(generalized-member even? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ;=> (2 3 4 5)
(generalized-member even? '(1 3 5 7 9)) ;=> #f
(generalized-remove pred list)
- returns new list with elements satisfying pred removed
- raises exception if list is not a list
- can we come up with a better name?
- SRFI 1 calls this remove, but remove has a different meaning
in some Scheme systems and in Common Lisp
(define generalized-remove
(lambda (pred ls)
(filter (lambda (x) (not (pred x))) ls)))
(generalized-remove even? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ;=> (1 3 5)
(generalized-assoc pred alist)
- returns first pair of alist whose car satisfies pred, if any,
otherwise #f
- same constraints on argument list as we've agreed upon for
- can we come up with a better name?
- SRFI 1 generalizes assoc with = argument
(define generalized-assoc
(lambda (pred alist)
(find (lambda (x) (pred (car x))) alist)))
(lambda (x) (not (= x x)))
'((0 . zero) (+nan.0 . #f) (+inf.0 . big))) ;=> (+inf.0 . big)
Vote: Should we have these (with better names) in R6RS:
Yes, unanimous
Please come up with better names.
(e.g. pred-mem, pred-rem, pred-ass
or pred-member, pred-remove, pred-assoc)
-------- specific removal procedures
(remq x list)
(define remq
(lambda (x list)
(generalized-remove (lambda (y) (eq? y x)) list)))
(remq 'b '(a b c b a)) ;=> (a c a)
(remv x list)
(define remv
(lambda (x list)
(generalized-remove (lambda (y) (eqv? y x)) list)))
(remv 3.14 '(pi 3.14 3.1416 #\x03C0)) ;=> (pi 3.1416 #\x03C0)
(remove x list)
(define remove
(lambda (x list)
(generalized-remove (lambda (y) (equal? y x)) list)))
(remove "a" '(a "a" #\a (a))) ;=> (a #\a (a))
Vote: Should we have these?
Yes, unanimous.
For further discussion:
Now that map, memq, etc are required to detect
Should equal? be required to have terminating semantics?
[End of notes]
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