[R6RS] my notes on today's conference call (28 March 2007)
William D Clinger
will at ccs.neu.edu
Wed Mar 28 10:18:34 EDT 2007
telephone conference March 28 2007 8:00am-10:00am
Will, Matthew, Mike, Anton, Kent present by 8:01am
0. finalize agenda (1 minute)
1. action items (1 minute)
- draft responses for each ticket 135 and 137+ (All)
- record response votes (All)
- draft responses for ticket numbers 166, 196, 198, 202, 204, 205,
208-222, 224, 226-229, 231-233
not done
- need final resolution in responses for ticket numbers 150, 164
not done
- update ticket-nnn responses to reflect decisions:
done in only a few cases
154: allow bytevectors to be self-evaluating (but not vectors or ())
166: formal comment rejected
225, 229, 223: strings are not immutable, string-set! in a separate
library, string-ref preserved, string-ref returns character (aka
Unicode scalar value), no variable-length strings (encourage SRFIs),
allow direct creation of text ports (done in ticket 225 response?),
report should say that string-ref and string-set! should be O(1),
add string-for-each
194: leave hash-table-immutable? but change "immutable" argument
to hash-table-copy to a "mutable" argument
196: formal comment rejected
205: add cons*
215: do not hyphenate bytevector, do not hyphenate hashtable
- update r6rs to reflect additional decisions:
- allow (case-lambda)
- probably use "should" for programmer requirements that implementations
are not required to enforce
3. revisit unspecified value and mrvs semantics? (10 minutes)
- tickets 152, 156
- see https://r6rs.scheming.org/node/588
- adopt and select A, B, or C
- or D: like C but restricted to 0 or 1 unspecified values
- don't adopt
straw polls:
Mike's potential motion
yes: Matthew, Mike
no: Kent, Anton
abstain: Will
Will's potential motion
yes: Will, Anton
no: Kent, Matthew, Mike
A, B, C/D:
B: Matthew, Mike
C: Anton
abstain: Will, Kent
Mike moved we basically decide to maintain the R5RS
position 1 or position 2 with constraints described
as above, with option C; Anton seconded
yes: Kent, Matthew, Mike, Anton
abstain: Will
Note: option C includes dropping "the" unspecified value
4. standard-x-port return fresh binary ports? (5 minutes)
- ticket 183
Mike moved (and Will seconded):
add current-error-port to simple i/o
copy the three current-x-port procedures to port i/o
adopt formal comment 183
motion passed unanimously
5. add buffer modes to open-file-input-port? (5 minutes)
- ticket 186
adopt formal comment
yes: Will, Kent, Matthew, Anton
no: Mike
- do we allow peeking on unbuffered input port?
if there are two ports connected to the same source,
and reading from that source changes the source,
then peeking on one port will make that character
inaccessible via the other port
6. add make-parameter and parameterize? (5 minutes)
- ticket 184
Will moved we reject the formal comment and delegate
the drafting of our response to someone other than
Mike or Kent; Anton volunteered; no objections
7. allow/require hash-table-hash-function to return a procedure? (5 minutes)
- ticket 189
Mike moved we reject the formal comment; Kent seconded
yes: Kent, Matthew, Mike
no: Anton
abstain: Will
8. allow compilers to reject programs with obvious violations? (10 minutes)
- ticket 198
current formal response accepts assert, rejects rest of comment
yes: Will, Kent, Matthew, Mike, Anton
9. add file-length, specify set-file-position! extension behavior (5 minutes)
- ticket 200
Will moved we get rid of set-port-position! and the
the associated predicate; Matthew seconded
yes: Will
no: Kent, Matthew, Mike, Anton
Kent moved we adopt the Posix semantics for set-port-position!
when the underlying object is a file; Anton seconded
yes: Will, Kent, Matthew, Anton
abstain: Mike
tabled; we'll need to read Kent's draft response
10. specify freshness/mutability of quasiquoted structure? (5 minutes)
- ticket 204
BTW, quoted constants within the same phase should
evaluate to the same value (according to eqv?) each
time the quoted constant is evaluated; the project
editor should add this to the report.
The question for ticket 204 is whether it's okay to
mutate quasiquoted structures.
tabled until next week
We adjourned before getting around to the following agenda items:
11. eliminate library export immutability loophole? (5 minutes)
- ticket 208
12. should <body> allow mixing definitions with expressions? (5 minutes)
- ticket 212
13. should map return new list structure each time? (5 minutes)
- ticket 220
- option 1: entirely new list structure
- option 2: not modify earlier return values
14. is nan not a real number? (5 minutes)
- ticket 130
- also question about flmin and flmax not being specified for nan
15. allow inline hex escapes anywhere?
- ticket 231
- or "allow anywhere except within a hex escape"?
x. Rename "lookahead" procedure-name prefix to "look-ahead"? (bottom of
ticket 214)
16. adjourned around 10:01am
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